How cutting out coffee helped change my life + Free Download – Tech Tuesday

October 13, 2015


I love coffee. At least I used to. That boost of caffeine to get me through the day. The energy shot to keep me on my A-game. I was always running to my next appointment with nice strong cup of coffee in my hands. After all, I was convinced that the only real solution to combatting a lack of sleep and an over-booked scheduled was more energy. 

How Cutting Out Coffee Helped Change My Life + Free Tech Download

Last year, after I was diagnosed with MS, I was encouraged to completely cut out caffeine (you can read more about that here). My initial response was “Oh, no. Not my coffee.” How was I supposed to survive? It didn’t take me long to see that it wasn’t just my caffeinated beverages that needed to be adjusted, it was my whole approach to live. Without coffee I felt lethargic, less focused and a little grouchy. I needed more than just a beverage adjustment. 

For me, cutting out coffee was a life-style change. It represented more than just what was in my cup. It represented hours of deprived sleep; months of overpacked schedules; and years of bad habits. I was a workaholic and coffee was my fuel to do more. 

What my life really needed was a major overhaul. Rather than a cup of caffeine to give me a jolt in the morning, I really needed a good night’s sleep. Rather than a rushed cup-to-go, what I really needed was a moment to stop and breathe. I needed to slow down. 

After grieving the loss of my beloved bold brew, I decided to take up herbal tea. (And all the coffee drinkers said, “gross.” I know.) I wasn’t happy about it, but I knew I needed to make some adjustments to my health, many of which were represented with what was inside my mug. 

No longer able to rely on the caffeine boost from coffee, I was forced to make different choices. I started to choose to go to bed instead of staying up to get a little more work done. Instead of grabbing a cup on the go, I started to sit and breathe while I let my tea steep. My mug began to represent a change that was happening in me that went far beyond what I was drinking. I was learning to slow down. 

I HEART HOT TEAS iphone lockscreen

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not an anti-coffee advocate; I’m not looking at you with “judgey eyes” as you down your favourite blend; and I’m certainly not pointing fingers in any way, shape, or form. There are many people who drink their coffee like I drink my tea, as a way to stop, relax and slow down. That just wasn’t the case for me. I know for me, coffee was a symptom of a bigger problem in my life. In many ways I didn’t have a choice to give it up, but I’m glad I was forced to. It helped to change me into someone who I know will be better in the long run. Now, I’m learning to breathe.

I HEART HOT TEAS Ipadlockscreen

I thought it would be fitting for Tech Tuesday this week to celebrate my new love for tea with this cute little download! 

I HEART HOT TEAS desktopback

You can download this graphic for FREE for your desktop, iphone or ipad to share with the world that you do, in fact, love hotties hot teas 😉


2 thoughts on “How cutting out coffee helped change my life + Free Download – Tech Tuesday

    1. Kim Moran Post author

      Steph, my 2 go-to’s are Mighty Leaf’s Ginger Twist and David Tea’s North African Mint. I’m a mint and ginger girl all the way! Are you a tea drinker?!?

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